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Dal-ktieb hu t-tletin traduzzjoni mill-Kulluna Traduzzjonijiet Faraxa. Xogħol tal-awtriċi Serbjana Ana Vučković, 'Bis-saħħa ta' din it-traduzzjoni, issa għandna bil-Malti għall-ewwel darba ktieb sħiħ li fih awtur jesprimi t-thewdin tiegħu bit-teknika tan-nixxiegħa tal-ħsieb (stream of conciousness technique).

Hawnhekk, fil-każ ta' dan il-ktieb partikulari, l-awtriċi thewden fuq l-għajbien ta' missierha fuq l-isfond tal-waqgħa tal-eks Jugoslavja.

Agħtini l-Yugoslavja fejn kien hemm ix-xogħol kif ukoll id-divertiment, u fejn stajna nagħmlu kwalunkwe ħaġa, ara biss li ma tħallihiex tixbaħ il-ħajja. (Ana Vučković)

"Jugoslav hu l-ewwel u qabel kollox poema eliġijaka li tittratta ż-żmien li l-protagonista qattgħet ma' missierha, b'enfasi speċjali fuq iż-żmien li fih ġiet assassinata l-Jugoslavja ... deskritt b'mod straordinarjament raffinat li mhux ġej minn studju post-factum tal-antenati, imma pjuttost mill-memorji tal-awtriċi. U jweġġgħu ħafna, ukoll. Għaldaqstant, immexxija mid-don u t-talent lingwistiku tagħha stess, il-protagonista telliefa t'Ana Vuckovic jirnexxilha tisforza u tibqa' għaddejja mill-epoka li spiċċat u ma titreġġax lura, tagħmel mal-imgħoddi, sa ma madankollu jirnexxilha ssib il-mezz kif toħroġ minnu."

Kwotazzjoni mill-istudju tal-kritiku Srđan Srdić / Vladimir Arsenic, miġjub għall-Malti wkoll fl-aħħar tal-ktieb Jugoslav.


This book is the thirtieth translation in the Faraxa Translation Series. It is the work of Serbian author Ana Vučković. 'Through this translation, we now have for the very first time a complete Maltese book in which the author expresses their innermost thoughts through the stream of consciousness technique.'

Here, in the case of this book in particular, the author mulls over the disappearance of her father in the wake of ex-Yugoslavia's downfall.

Give me Yugoslavia in which there was work as well as entertainment, and where we could do whatever, don't you dare let it resemble life. (Ana Vučković)

"Jugoslav is first and foremost an elegaic poem that details the time the protagonist spent with her father, with a special emphasis on the time during which Yugoslavia was assassinated ... described in an extraordinarily refined way that is not gleaned from post-factum studies of ancestors, but from the author's memories. And they hurt a lot, as well. Nevertheless, driven by her own linguistic talent, Ana Vučković - the protagonist who loses - manages to keep going through the epoch that had ended and was never coming back, settled in the past, until she finds a way out of it."

A quote from the study of critic Srđan Srdić / Vladimir Arsenic, also translated into Maltese at the end of the book, Jugoslav.

Ana Vučković
Translated by:
Toni Aquilina
Illustrated by:
Also available as an ebook

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