Ritratti ta' Tfuliti
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Ritratti ta' Tfuliti

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Ritratti Ta' Tfuliti huwa rakkont tat-tfulija ta' Reno Muscat, bil-personaġġi li ffurmawha, fil-waqtiet li sawruha, bl-attivitajiet li żejnuha. Fil-bidu kollox ikun idur madwar id-dar u l-familja, imbagħad it-triq u l-ġirien, il-knisja, ir-raħal, Malta bil-ġrajjiet il-kbar li seħħew fiha u fl-aħħar anke barra minn xtutna. Flimkien mar-rakkont dan il-ktieb huwa mżewwaq b'għadd ġmielu ta' fotografiji ta' persuni. drawwiet jew ħwejjeġ li tista' tgħid illum insejna bosta minnhom u nistgħu napprezzawhom biss bis-saħħa tar-ritratti jew tal-immaġinazzjoni għal min għandu memorja tajba. Dawn kollha u aktar huma ritratti tat-tfulija, mhux biss tal-awtur imma ta' bosta u bosta oħrajn.


Ritratti Ta' Tfuliti by Reno Muscat. This book relates the story of a childhood, the persons who shaped it, the moments that built it, activities that adorned it. Firstly life is all centered around the family and home, then, the street, neighbours, the church, the village, Malta and its great events, the world. Besides the text, this book offers a great number of photos, showing people and habits that nowadays one can only be seen on photos. All these are the photos of a childhood, not only the authors childhood but that of many others.

Reno Muscat
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ritratti ta' tfuliti
Also available as an ebook

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