Il-Pittura Maġika
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Il-Pittura Maġika

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Il-Pittura Maġika hi avventura mmirata għat-tfal bejn is-seba' u d-disa' snin.

Tommy kien qiegħed ifittex u jqalleb fil-kamra tal-bejt tan-nanniet meta sab xi ħaġa mgeżwra sew b'karti kkuluriti mdawrin b'ħafna spag. Kienet pittura. X'jiġri meta Tommy jikxef din il-pittura u jara l-istampa li jkun hemm? Segwu l-avventura li jgħaddi minnha Tommy.

Din hi l-ewwel minn sensiela ta' avventuri li jgħaddu minnhom kull min isib din il-pittura.


Il-Pittura Maġika by Jennifer Spagnol and illustrations by Bernard Micallef and Jeanelle Zammit is intended for children aged seven to nine years.

Tommy was going through the things in his grandparents loft when he found something wrapped up in different coloured paper, wound by a piece of string. It was a painting. What will happen when Tommy removes the wrapping and looks at the picture? Go along with Tommy on his adventure and find out what the picture means.

Jennifer Spagnol
Translated by:
Illustrated by:
Bernard Micallef and Jeanelle Zammit
Il-Pittura Magika
Also available as an ebook

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